ACC311 - Fundamentals of Auditing
ACC501 - Business Finance
BIF401 - Bioinformatics I
BIF402 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Bioinformatics
BIF731 - Advanced Bioinformatics
BIF732 - Advanced Computing Approaches
BIF733 - Bioinformatics I (Essentials of Genome Informatics)
BIO101 - Basic I-Biology
BIO102 - Basic II-Chemistry
BIO201 - Cell Biology
BIO202 - Biochemistry-I
BIO203 - Methods in Molecular Biology
BIO204 - Principles of Biochemical Engineering
BIO301 - Essentials of Genetics
BIO302 - Molecular Biology
BIO303 - Biochemistry II
BIO502 - Genomics
BIO731 - Advanced Molecular Biology
BIO732 - Gene Manipulation and Genetic Engineering
BIO734 - Advances in Cell Biology
BIT701 - Introduction to Programming
BIT703 - Database Management Systems
BIT710 - Computer Network
BIT715 - Software Project Management
BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices
BNK603 - Consumer Banking
BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions (original code=MGT604)
BNK610 - Islamic Banking Practices
BNK611 - Economic Ideology in Islam
BNK612 - Financial Jurisprudence in Islam
BNK701 - Banking Laws & Practices
BNK703 - Consumer Banking
BNK704 - Management of Financial Institutions
BNK725 - Credit & Risk Management
BT101 - Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution-I
BT102 - Microbiology
BT301 - Introduction to Biotechnology
BT605 - Biosafety and Bioethics
BT731 - Modern Biotechnology: Principles & Applications
BT732 - Genetics & Genomics
BT733 - Bioethics, Biosecurity and Biosafety
BT734 - Research Methods in Biotechnology
BT735 - Advances in Fermentation Technology
CS001 - Computer Proficiency License (CPL)
CS101 - Introduction to Computing
CS201 - Introduction to Programming
CS202 - Fundamentals of Front End Development
CS206 - Introduction to Network Design & Analysis
CS301 - Data Structures
CS302 - Digital Logic Design
CS304 - Object Oriented Programming
CS310 - Open Source Web Application Development (PHP, PERL, CGI, Mysql)
CS311 - Introduction to Web Services Development
CS312 - Database Modeling and Design
CS314 - Introduction to Cellular Networks
CS315 - Network Security
CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
CS402 - Theory of Automata
CS403 - Database Management Systems
CS405 - Database Programming using Oracle 11g
CS407 - Routing and Switching
CS408 - Human Computer Interaction
CS409 - Introduction to Database Administration
CS410 - Visual Programming
CS411 - Visual Programming
CS431 - Wireless Communication
CS432 - Network Modeling and Simulation
CS435 - Cloud Computing
CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture
CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms
CS504 - Software Engineering - I
CS506 - Web Design and Development
CS507 - Information Systems
CS508 - Modern Programming Languages
CS510 - Software Requirements and Specifications
CS601 - Data Communication
CS602 - Computer Graphics
CS604 - Operating Systems
CS605 - Software Engineering - II
CS606 - Compiler Construction
CS607 - Artificial Intelligence
CS609 - System Programming
CS610 - Computer Network
CS614 - Data Warehousing
CS615 - Software Project Management
CS701 - Theory of Computation
CS702 - Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
CS703 - Advanced Operating Systems
CS704 - Advanced Computer Architecture-II
CS706 - Software Quality Assurance
CS707 - Network Security
CS708 - Software Requirement Engineering
CS709 - Formal Methods for Software Engineering
CS710 - Mobile and Pervasive Computing
CS711 - Software Design
CS712 - Distributed DBMS
CS713 - Object Oriented DBMS
CS716 - Advanced Computer Networks
CS718 - Wireless Networks
CS721 - Network Performance Evaluation
CS723 - Probability and Stochastic Processes
CS724 - Software Process Improvement
CS726 - Information Retrieval Techniques
ECO302 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO303 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO401 - Economics
ECO402 - Microeconomics
ECO403 - Macroeconomics
ECO404 - Managerial Economics
ECO406 - Mathematical Economics
ECO501 - Development Economics
ECO601 - Business Econometrics
ECO602 - Forecasting & Budgeting
ECO603 - International Economics
ECO704 - Managerial Economics
EDU101 - Foundations of Education
EDU201 - Learning Theories
EDU301 - General Methods of Teaching
EDU303 - Child Development
EDU304 - Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
EDU305 - Classroom Management
EDU401 - Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education
EDU402 - Curriculum Development
EDU403 - Art, Crafts and Calligraphy
EDU405 - Classroom Assessment
EDU410 - Teaching of Literacy Skills
EDU411 - Teaching of Urdu
EDU430 - IT for Education
EDU501 - School, Community and Teacher
EDU505 - Education Development in Pakistan
EDU512 - Teaching of Islamic Studies
EDU515 - Teaching of Geography
EDU516 - Teaching of English
EDU601 - Philosophy of Education
EDU602 - Educational Leadership and Management
EDU603 - Educational Governance Policy and Practice
EDU604 - Comparative Education
EDU654 - Addressing problems of learning through technology and pedagogy
EDU702 - Advanced Educational Leadership
EDU705 - Writing for Research
ENG001 - Elementary English
ENG101 - English Comprehension
ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing
ENG301 - Business Communication
ENG401 - Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry
ETH201 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims)
ETH202 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims)
FIN611 - Advanced Financial Accounting
FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis
FIN622 - Corporate Finance
FIN623 - Taxation Management
FIN624 - Islamic Mode of Financing
FIN625 - Credit & Risk Management
FIN630 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
FIN704 - Managerial Accounting
FIN711 - Advanced Financial Accounting
FIN722 - Corporate Finance
FIN723 - Taxation Management
FIN725 - Credit & Risk Management
FIN730 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
GEN731 - Advanced Molecular Genetics
GSC101 - General Science
GSC201 - Teaching of General Science
HRM611 - Human Relations (original code=MGMT611)
HRM613 - Performance Management
HRM617 - Training and Development
HRM623 - Leadership & Team Management (original code=MGMT623)
HRM624 - Conflict Management
HRM625 - Change Management (original code=MGMT625)
HRM626 - Recruitment and selection
HRM627 - Human Resource Development
HRM628 - Organizational Development (original. code=MGMT628)
HRM713 - Performance Management
HRM724 - Conflict Management
HRM727 - Human Resource Development
ISL201 - Islamic Studies
IT430 - E-Commerce
MCD401 - Camera basics, principles and practices
MCD402 - Lighting for TV Production
MCD403 - Music Production
MCD501 - TV Direction
MCD502 - Script Writing
MCD504 - Acting and Performance
MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication
MCM301 - Communication skills
MCM304 - Mass Media in Pakistan
MCM310 - Journalistic Writing
MCM311 - Reporting and Sub-Editing
MCM401 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
MCM404 - Globalization of Media
MCM411 - Introduction to Broadcasting
MCM431 - Development Communication
MCM501 - Advertising for Print and Electronic Media
MCM511 - Theories of Communication
MCM514 - Feature & Column Writing
MCM515 - Radio News Reporting & Production
MCM516 - TV News Reporting & Production
MCM517 - Online Journalism
MCM520 - Contemporary Mass Media
MCM531 - Community Journalism
MCM532 - Magazine Journalism
MCM601 - Media Management
MCM604 - International Communication
MCM610 - Mass Communication Law & Ethics
MGMT510 - Total Quality Management (original code=MGT510)
MGMT611 - Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611)
MGMT614 - Supply Chain Management
MGMT622 - Management Skills
MGMT623 - Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=HRM623)
MGMT625 - Change Management (alt. code=HRM625)
MGMT627 - Project Management
MGMT628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628)
MGMT629 - Crisis Management
MGMT630 - Knowledge Management
MGMT631 - Enterprise Resource Planning
MGMT723 - Leadership & Team Management
MGMT725 - Change Management
MGMT727 - Project Management
MGMT728 - Organizational Development
MGMT729 - Crisis Management
MGMT730 - Knowledge Management
MGT101 - Financial Accounting
MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration
MGT201 - Financial Management
MGT211 - Introduction To Business
MGT301 - Principles of Marketing
MGT401 - Financial Accounting - II
MGT402 - Cost & Management Accounting
MGT404 - Managerial Accounting
MGT411 - Money & Banking
MGT501 - Human Resource Management
MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT503 - Principles of Management
MGT504 - Organization Theory & Design
MGT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510)
MGT513 - Administration in Pakistan
MGT520 - International Business
MGT522 - Introduction to Public Policy
MGT601 - SME Management
MGT602 - Entrepreneurship
MGT603 - Strategic Management
MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604)
MGT610 - Business Ethics
MGT611 - Business & Labor Law
MGT612 - Corporate Law
MGT613 - Production / Operations Management
MGT621 - Administrative Law and Accountability
MGT703 - Strategic Management
MGT704 - Organization Theory & Design
MGT705 - Advanced Cost and Management Accounting
MGT711 - Business & Labor Law
MGT713 - Production / Operations Management
MGT722 - Management Skills
MKT501 - Marketing Management
MKT530 - Consumer Behaviour
MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management
MKT611 - Marketing Research
MKT621 - Advertising & Promotion
MKT624 - Brand Management
MKT625 - Services Marketing
MKT630 - International Marketing
MKT703 - Strategic Marketing Management
MKT711 - Marketing Research
MKT721 - Advertising & Promotion
MKT724 - Brand Management
MKT725 - Services Marketing
MKT730 - International Marketing
MKT731 - Consumer Behaviour
MTH001 - Elementary Mathematics
MTH100 - General Mathematics
MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry
MTH201 - Multivariable Calculus
MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics
MTH301 - Calculus II
MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics
MTH303 - Mathematical Methods
MTH401 - Differential Equations
MTH403 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry - II
MTH501 - Linear Algebra
MTH601 - Operations Research
MTH603 - Numerical Analysis
PAK301 - Pakistan Studies
PAK302 - Pakistan Studies
PHY101 - Physics
PHY301 - Circuit Theory
PSC201 - International Relations
PSC401 - Public International Law
PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY401 - Clinical Psychology
PSY402 - Experimental Psychology
PSY403 - Social Psychology
PSY404 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY405 - Personality Psychology
PSY406 - Educational Psychology
PSY407 - Sport Psychology
PSY408 - Health Psychology
PSY409 - Positive Psychology
PSY502 - History & Systems of Psychology
PSY504 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY505 - Developmental Psychology
PSY510 - Organizational Psychology
PSY511 - Environmental Psychology
PSY512 - Gender Issues in Psychology
PSY513 - Forensic Psychology
PSY514 - Consumer Psychology
PSY515 - Cross Cultural Psychology
PSY610 - Neurological Bases of Behavior
PSY631 - Psychological Testing & Measurements
PSY632 - Theory & Practice of Counseling
SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC401 - Cultural Anthropology
SPT730 - Special Topic
STA301 - Statistics and Probability
STA304 - Applied Statistics
STA404 - Regression and Correlation Analysis
STA406 - Statistical Inference
STA408 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
STA630 - Research Methods
STA730 - Advanced Research Methods
STAT730 - Advanced Research Methods
URD101 - Urdu
ACC501 - Business Finance
BIF401 - Bioinformatics I
BIF402 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Bioinformatics
BIF731 - Advanced Bioinformatics
BIF732 - Advanced Computing Approaches
BIF733 - Bioinformatics I (Essentials of Genome Informatics)
BIO101 - Basic I-Biology
BIO102 - Basic II-Chemistry
BIO201 - Cell Biology
BIO202 - Biochemistry-I
BIO203 - Methods in Molecular Biology
BIO204 - Principles of Biochemical Engineering
BIO301 - Essentials of Genetics
BIO302 - Molecular Biology
BIO303 - Biochemistry II
BIO502 - Genomics
BIO731 - Advanced Molecular Biology
BIO732 - Gene Manipulation and Genetic Engineering
BIO734 - Advances in Cell Biology
BIT701 - Introduction to Programming
BIT703 - Database Management Systems
BIT710 - Computer Network
BIT715 - Software Project Management
BNK601 - Banking Laws & Practices
BNK603 - Consumer Banking
BNK604 - Management of Financial Institutions (original code=MGT604)
BNK610 - Islamic Banking Practices
BNK611 - Economic Ideology in Islam
BNK612 - Financial Jurisprudence in Islam
BNK701 - Banking Laws & Practices
BNK703 - Consumer Banking
BNK704 - Management of Financial Institutions
BNK725 - Credit & Risk Management
BT101 - Ecology, Biodiversity & Evolution-I
BT102 - Microbiology
BT301 - Introduction to Biotechnology
BT605 - Biosafety and Bioethics
BT731 - Modern Biotechnology: Principles & Applications
BT732 - Genetics & Genomics
BT733 - Bioethics, Biosecurity and Biosafety
BT734 - Research Methods in Biotechnology
BT735 - Advances in Fermentation Technology
CS001 - Computer Proficiency License (CPL)
CS101 - Introduction to Computing
CS201 - Introduction to Programming
CS202 - Fundamentals of Front End Development
CS206 - Introduction to Network Design & Analysis
CS301 - Data Structures
CS302 - Digital Logic Design
CS304 - Object Oriented Programming
CS310 - Open Source Web Application Development (PHP, PERL, CGI, Mysql)
CS311 - Introduction to Web Services Development
CS312 - Database Modeling and Design
CS314 - Introduction to Cellular Networks
CS315 - Network Security
CS401 - Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
CS402 - Theory of Automata
CS403 - Database Management Systems
CS405 - Database Programming using Oracle 11g
CS407 - Routing and Switching
CS408 - Human Computer Interaction
CS409 - Introduction to Database Administration
CS410 - Visual Programming
CS411 - Visual Programming
CS431 - Wireless Communication
CS432 - Network Modeling and Simulation
CS435 - Cloud Computing
CS501 - Advance Computer Architecture
CS502 - Fundamentals of Algorithms
CS504 - Software Engineering - I
CS506 - Web Design and Development
CS507 - Information Systems
CS508 - Modern Programming Languages
CS510 - Software Requirements and Specifications
CS601 - Data Communication
CS602 - Computer Graphics
CS604 - Operating Systems
CS605 - Software Engineering - II
CS606 - Compiler Construction
CS607 - Artificial Intelligence
CS609 - System Programming
CS610 - Computer Network
CS614 - Data Warehousing
CS615 - Software Project Management
CS701 - Theory of Computation
CS702 - Advanced Algorithms Analysis and Design
CS703 - Advanced Operating Systems
CS704 - Advanced Computer Architecture-II
CS706 - Software Quality Assurance
CS707 - Network Security
CS708 - Software Requirement Engineering
CS709 - Formal Methods for Software Engineering
CS710 - Mobile and Pervasive Computing
CS711 - Software Design
CS712 - Distributed DBMS
CS713 - Object Oriented DBMS
CS716 - Advanced Computer Networks
CS718 - Wireless Networks
CS721 - Network Performance Evaluation
CS723 - Probability and Stochastic Processes
CS724 - Software Process Improvement
CS726 - Information Retrieval Techniques
ECO302 - Principles of Microeconomics
ECO303 - Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO401 - Economics
ECO402 - Microeconomics
ECO403 - Macroeconomics
ECO404 - Managerial Economics
ECO406 - Mathematical Economics
ECO501 - Development Economics
ECO601 - Business Econometrics
ECO602 - Forecasting & Budgeting
ECO603 - International Economics
ECO704 - Managerial Economics
EDU101 - Foundations of Education
EDU201 - Learning Theories
EDU301 - General Methods of Teaching
EDU303 - Child Development
EDU304 - Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
EDU305 - Classroom Management
EDU401 - Contemporary Issues and Trends in Education
EDU402 - Curriculum Development
EDU403 - Art, Crafts and Calligraphy
EDU405 - Classroom Assessment
EDU410 - Teaching of Literacy Skills
EDU411 - Teaching of Urdu
EDU430 - IT for Education
EDU501 - School, Community and Teacher
EDU505 - Education Development in Pakistan
EDU512 - Teaching of Islamic Studies
EDU515 - Teaching of Geography
EDU516 - Teaching of English
EDU601 - Philosophy of Education
EDU602 - Educational Leadership and Management
EDU603 - Educational Governance Policy and Practice
EDU604 - Comparative Education
EDU654 - Addressing problems of learning through technology and pedagogy
EDU702 - Advanced Educational Leadership
EDU705 - Writing for Research
ENG001 - Elementary English
ENG101 - English Comprehension
ENG201 - Business and Technical English Writing
ENG301 - Business Communication
ENG401 - Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Poetry
ETH201 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims)
ETH202 - Ethics (for Non-Muslims)
FIN611 - Advanced Financial Accounting
FIN621 - Financial Statement Analysis
FIN622 - Corporate Finance
FIN623 - Taxation Management
FIN624 - Islamic Mode of Financing
FIN625 - Credit & Risk Management
FIN630 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
FIN704 - Managerial Accounting
FIN711 - Advanced Financial Accounting
FIN722 - Corporate Finance
FIN723 - Taxation Management
FIN725 - Credit & Risk Management
FIN730 - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management
GEN731 - Advanced Molecular Genetics
GSC101 - General Science
GSC201 - Teaching of General Science
HRM611 - Human Relations (original code=MGMT611)
HRM613 - Performance Management
HRM617 - Training and Development
HRM623 - Leadership & Team Management (original code=MGMT623)
HRM624 - Conflict Management
HRM625 - Change Management (original code=MGMT625)
HRM626 - Recruitment and selection
HRM627 - Human Resource Development
HRM628 - Organizational Development (original. code=MGMT628)
HRM713 - Performance Management
HRM724 - Conflict Management
HRM727 - Human Resource Development
ISL201 - Islamic Studies
IT430 - E-Commerce
MCD401 - Camera basics, principles and practices
MCD402 - Lighting for TV Production
MCD403 - Music Production
MCD501 - TV Direction
MCD502 - Script Writing
MCD504 - Acting and Performance
MCM101 - Introduction to Mass Communication
MCM301 - Communication skills
MCM304 - Mass Media in Pakistan
MCM310 - Journalistic Writing
MCM311 - Reporting and Sub-Editing
MCM401 - Fundamentals of Public Relations
MCM404 - Globalization of Media
MCM411 - Introduction to Broadcasting
MCM431 - Development Communication
MCM501 - Advertising for Print and Electronic Media
MCM511 - Theories of Communication
MCM514 - Feature & Column Writing
MCM515 - Radio News Reporting & Production
MCM516 - TV News Reporting & Production
MCM517 - Online Journalism
MCM520 - Contemporary Mass Media
MCM531 - Community Journalism
MCM532 - Magazine Journalism
MCM601 - Media Management
MCM604 - International Communication
MCM610 - Mass Communication Law & Ethics
MGMT510 - Total Quality Management (original code=MGT510)
MGMT611 - Human Relations (alt. code=HRM611)
MGMT614 - Supply Chain Management
MGMT622 - Management Skills
MGMT623 - Leadership & Team Management (alt. code=HRM623)
MGMT625 - Change Management (alt. code=HRM625)
MGMT627 - Project Management
MGMT628 - Organizational Development (alt. code=HRM628)
MGMT629 - Crisis Management
MGMT630 - Knowledge Management
MGMT631 - Enterprise Resource Planning
MGMT723 - Leadership & Team Management
MGMT725 - Change Management
MGMT727 - Project Management
MGMT728 - Organizational Development
MGMT729 - Crisis Management
MGMT730 - Knowledge Management
MGT101 - Financial Accounting
MGT111 - Introduction to Public Administration
MGT201 - Financial Management
MGT211 - Introduction To Business
MGT301 - Principles of Marketing
MGT401 - Financial Accounting - II
MGT402 - Cost & Management Accounting
MGT404 - Managerial Accounting
MGT411 - Money & Banking
MGT501 - Human Resource Management
MGT502 - Organizational Behaviour
MGT503 - Principles of Management
MGT504 - Organization Theory & Design
MGT510 - Total Quality Management (alt. code=MGMT510)
MGT513 - Administration in Pakistan
MGT520 - International Business
MGT522 - Introduction to Public Policy
MGT601 - SME Management
MGT602 - Entrepreneurship
MGT603 - Strategic Management
MGT604 - Management of Financial Institutions (alt. code=BNK604)
MGT610 - Business Ethics
MGT611 - Business & Labor Law
MGT612 - Corporate Law
MGT613 - Production / Operations Management
MGT621 - Administrative Law and Accountability
MGT703 - Strategic Management
MGT704 - Organization Theory & Design
MGT705 - Advanced Cost and Management Accounting
MGT711 - Business & Labor Law
MGT713 - Production / Operations Management
MGT722 - Management Skills
MKT501 - Marketing Management
MKT530 - Consumer Behaviour
MKT610 - Customer Relationship Management
MKT611 - Marketing Research
MKT621 - Advertising & Promotion
MKT624 - Brand Management
MKT625 - Services Marketing
MKT630 - International Marketing
MKT703 - Strategic Marketing Management
MKT711 - Marketing Research
MKT721 - Advertising & Promotion
MKT724 - Brand Management
MKT725 - Services Marketing
MKT730 - International Marketing
MKT731 - Consumer Behaviour
MTH001 - Elementary Mathematics
MTH100 - General Mathematics
MTH101 - Calculus And Analytical Geometry
MTH201 - Multivariable Calculus
MTH202 - Discrete Mathematics
MTH301 - Calculus II
MTH302 - Business Mathematics & Statistics
MTH303 - Mathematical Methods
MTH401 - Differential Equations
MTH403 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry - II
MTH501 - Linear Algebra
MTH601 - Operations Research
MTH603 - Numerical Analysis
PAK301 - Pakistan Studies
PAK302 - Pakistan Studies
PHY101 - Physics
PHY301 - Circuit Theory
PSC201 - International Relations
PSC401 - Public International Law
PSY101 - Introduction to Psychology
PSY401 - Clinical Psychology
PSY402 - Experimental Psychology
PSY403 - Social Psychology
PSY404 - Abnormal Psychology
PSY405 - Personality Psychology
PSY406 - Educational Psychology
PSY407 - Sport Psychology
PSY408 - Health Psychology
PSY409 - Positive Psychology
PSY502 - History & Systems of Psychology
PSY504 - Cognitive Psychology
PSY505 - Developmental Psychology
PSY510 - Organizational Psychology
PSY511 - Environmental Psychology
PSY512 - Gender Issues in Psychology
PSY513 - Forensic Psychology
PSY514 - Consumer Psychology
PSY515 - Cross Cultural Psychology
PSY610 - Neurological Bases of Behavior
PSY631 - Psychological Testing & Measurements
PSY632 - Theory & Practice of Counseling
SOC101 - Introduction to Sociology
SOC401 - Cultural Anthropology
SPT730 - Special Topic
STA301 - Statistics and Probability
STA304 - Applied Statistics
STA404 - Regression and Correlation Analysis
STA406 - Statistical Inference
STA408 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
STA630 - Research Methods
STA730 - Advanced Research Methods
STAT730 - Advanced Research Methods
URD101 - Urdu
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